
Hello there!

I'm Ayush Prakash👋. I am interested in Tech, Music, Sports & Adventure. I'm a self-taught developer experienced with Front-End | Backend, learning & exploring Machine Learning & CI/CD.
Here is my Tech Stack 👇


About Me

As a self-taught developer, I possess an impressive arsenal of skills in JS, Python, & Golang.
Additionally, I excel in Next, TailwindCSS with advanced animation styles for designing and maintaining responsive websites that offer a smooth user experience. Check out my projects here. Apart from all this, I've also won various competitons during my high school, one of which involved building an Arduino-based robot, an Automated Closing bridge, etc...


Bachelor of Technology

2021-2025 | BIT Mesra, India

Pursuing a degree with majors in Chemical Engineering & minor-degree in Python.